Thursday, January 7, 2016

Life in Logan - Grad student - kiln building class

This semester we built two kilns from scratch 
 John Neely's design of a Train kiln we call Thomas
and Steve Mills designed Salt kiln we call Steve.
We did test firings in both these kilns. 
Further on we pulled down a soda kiln 
and rebuilt it.

Follows the photo documentation of it.

Train kiln from chimney side

Inside of the train kiln, checkered flue and the throat

Firebox of Steve

Entrance flue seen from the chamber





When Todd was cutting the roof, making a hole for the chimney
find his reflection in the right hand side panel of the window!!

Another one of the activity on the roof

Nic taking a nap in between stokes

Bricking up Steve. Thomas's tall chimney at the back. 

Last few bricks to close door of Steve

Starting fire on Steve

Though I have more pictures of Steve, 
we fired it along with Thomas.
Experimental kilns, firing experiments
with a lot of enthusiasm.

Unbricked the door of Steve

Following images of Thomas, when we could look in

I do not have images of pulling down the soda kiln
But what follows is images of rebuilding

the floor

the wall and finishing the roof

Do you see bricks flying... we 
kept having fun throughout even if
it was only this one which was captured!

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