Saturday, November 29, 2014

Muritz Keramik, Alt Gaarz - inspirations

Upon reaching Muritz Keramik, I was saturated with ideas and
Markus gave me clay. I expressed my self.

Compassion and Love








Walls within us.



Berlin - 6th Aug 2014 - SACB farm

I was blessed to participate in the activities of
Sri Aurobindo Centre Berlin, while I was there.
Some images of the farm.
Isa, George, Muna and Margaret.

Berlin - 2nd - 12th Aug 2014 - Musical instrument museum

Form = Sound, Technique = Music
This place is my most favourite place in Berlin.
The musical instruments are so well displayed, and the production
of sounds over with guidance over the earphone simply transcends one into another world.













































I need to return to hear this organ playing.
One day.....