Saturday, June 4, 2016

USU Grad student at Clay Gulgong - Australia - 1 (April 15th - 21st, 2016)

Pathway in front of Red Hill EEC

Main Street, Gulgong

Hillary Kane's work at shop window.
Main Street, Gulgong

Gathered for Chester Nealie's show opening

Chester Nealie's show opening and book launching.

Chester Nealie, Jack Troy, Charlie Mansfield

Torbjorn Kvasbo, John Neely

Book launch by Jack Troy

John Neely at Marquee 
Red Hill EEC, demonstrations

Owen Rye presenting History of Conferences

Janet Mansfield and John Neely
in Owen's presentation

John Neely opening a show
by Owen Rye, Su Hanna and Susie McKensie

John Neely back at demo area

Jack Troy and assistant

John Neely's teapots

Marion M

Rafa Perez's work

Beth Cavaner's process presentation